The rain has stopped and the first Buddy Pegs Bicycle Playdate is on! Kits and pups are arriving at the bike shop with their parents and the whole town of Spokesville is coming out for the bicycle parade to follow. Everything is going even better than planned until Conrad’s “Hamwheels” contraption begins spinning out of control down Main St. There’s no time for Captain Endo and Poppawheelie to save the day so who will come to the rescue??
Written by Scott Fitzgerald and Bob Berky
Performed by Scott Fitzgerald, Bob Berky, and Jannine Fitzgerald, Jorjeana Marie (as Daisy Bell), Braden.
Written for kids 7 & under but safe and fun for kids of all ages.
Check out Season 1 and all of our episodes at BUDDYPEGS.COM/PODCAST
Have you ever organized a bicycle parade? Why not 🙂
Next weekend, try rounding up a few of the neighbor kids and some simple arts and crafts supplies so you can put on your own Bicycle Parade around the block… or even better, own Main St!
The idea for this episode began with our desire to take our real-life Buddy Pegs Bicycle Playdates into Spokesville. What would happen if we threw off the reigns on our imaginations and dreamed up the best Bicycle Playdate and community Bike Parade ever??
As Bob and I talked about what actually happens at our Buddy Pegs events, I was reminded of all the shy kids who tend to show up an hang around the edges of our classes. We always do our best to welcome in these kiddos and make them feel special in their own way. But there’s nothing better than another child encouraging that participation and celebrating their new friends’ success. Skipper (our son Braden who has helped us at countless Buddy Pegs events) was the perfect character to help our new friend Melia find her kick bike powers and inner self-confidence!
And Woodruff as the hero? Yup - it was time for him to come out of the shadows and enjoy some of the glory reserved for Poppawheelie, Captain Endo, and Master mouse Kabibble. Bob loves that Woody is a Bergamasco Sheep Dog so of course if he were to save the day… there had to be a flock of sheep involved!