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Ready To Buy?

Need to learn more first? Cool! Here's some videos to help you:

2 Year Old (Balance Bike)

3 Year Old (14 inch)

4 Year Old (16 inch)

5 & 6 Year Old (20 inch)

7 & 8 Year Old (24 inch)

9 & 10 Year Old (26 inch+)

Now that you know what bike to get, let's look at helmets!

Bike Helmets

Full Face Helmets

How We Help Parents Everyday

We get it.

You’re ready to go beyond only thinking about color choice for your child’s next bike.

You’re ready to make sure your kiddo’s next bike gives them the confidence and stoke to get off the couch and explore the great outdoors – on two wheels!

Frame size, wheel size, type of bike, and yes, even color can make all the difference.

We make picking the right bike easy!

Buddy Pegs Pro Parent Tip # 1:

Know The Lingo

Here’s the one thing you have to know…

Kid’s bikes are sized based on the diameter of the wheel, in inches.

It's ok that you're new to this.
We'll get you up to speed.

Buddy Pegs Pro Parent Tip # 2:

Buy on the Birthdays.

Your child outgrows everything faster than you could ever have imagined.

Why would bikes be any different?

Typically, if you buy a new bike on or around your child’s birthday, you will maximize the time it fits them.

If you wait a few months after their birthday to buy a bigger bike, you’ll feel like they out grew the bike faster than they outgrow their underwear.

Not Applicable to really tall kids, really short kids, and really shredder kids!

Buddy Pegs Pro Parent Tip # 3:

Adjust to Fit

Buying the correct wheel size is only the beginning.

No matter where you shop, make sure the seat height, brake levers, tire pressure, and handlebars are actually adjusted specifically for your child.

Final adjustments make all the difference!

Let Us Help You.

Yes, we sell bikes at Buddy Pegs.

But whether you buy a bike from us or from somewhere else,
we just want your kiddo to be on the right bike.

Take us up on our FREE consultations!

Call us during business hours or email us anytime.


[email protected]

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