What exactly does the Buddy Pegs bike shop look like anyway?
Well, in Part 1 of this 2 part episode you can take a look for yourself! The Buddy pegs crew takes you on a tour of the shop complete with Schmiddy’s fantastical contraptions like the Repair Bike Check-in-omatic 4000 (RBC4K for short), and a garage door opener like you’ve never seen before.
Oh, and the best part… wait until you hear about the secret entrance to the underground part of Buddy Pegs! Only Watson, Wrigley, and Schmiddy know about that… and now you too!
Do you and your kids safety check your bikes before each ride? Well there’s no better time to start than today! Before each ride, make sure:
Have a safe ride and help your kids build habits they can carry over into all areas of their lives. Remember, check yourself before you wreck yourself!
Written by Scott Fitzgerald and Bob Berky
Performed by Scott Fitzgerald, Bob Berky, and Jannine Fitzgerald.
Written for kids 7 & under but safe and fun for kids of all ages.
Check out all of our episodes at BUDDYPEGS.COM/PODCAST
When we wrote this episode we had four things in mind:
Buddy Pegs is not your typical bike shop and we had a blast thinking up all the crazy contraptions that Schmiddy the dog, the cat has built over the years and we’re only getting started. Of course these are the gadgets we wish we had in our bike shop! Imagine an automated track system that quickly moved bikes around the shop - bring it on!
Watson is perhaps your typical bike shop owner… if you’re describing me when I was a shop owner. Always moving to the next thing and not slowing down long enough to complete a task has consequences. Boy did I learn that the hard way. And so will Watson in Part 2! We really hope this supports the conversations you’re already having with your kids about the importance of stopping to finish a task and clean up before rushing into the next “thing”.
But we can’t have a teaching moment without a little drama and intrigue can we? Finally we get to show you the Buddy Pegs underground lair! As you’ve heard in past episodes, Schmiddy is the mastermind behind Poppawheelie and Captain Endo’s super gadgets. But where and when does Schmiddy make them? Well below Buddy Pegs in his master workshop of course! We have some great things to show you in Part 2…. Just don’t expect any Batmobiles.
And finally, what does “check yourself before you wreck yourself” really mean? As you can imagine, Watson is in for a life lesson in Part 2 that will make it all clear.
Until then… keep your thumbs up and the rubber side down.