Want to get your child balanced and riding their bike in ONLY a few hours of coaching them over a handful of days?
Ready to say good bye to the tears and frustration?
Embark on a delightful journey with your child to master the art of riding a bicycle in this four-part video course tailored for parents.
“Ditch The Training Wheels” is a comprehensive course built to help you guide your child’s transition from training wheels to two-wheel independence without tears and frustration.
Who This Course Is For:
Parents of children 3-10 years old.
Whether your child is just starting out, has already mastered the balance bike, or ready to leave those training wheels behind, “Ditch The Training Wheels” is the perfect partner in your parenting adventure.
Join us to create joyful, confidence-building experiences that will steer your child towards cycling success!
How It Works:
You’ll get 4 separate 10-15 minute video guides that will show you clearly and comprehensively what you’ll need to do and say to get your kid off their training wheels asap.
We recommend working with your child after each video for 1 hour (4 hours of coaching in total).
Spread the coaching sessions out over a handful of days to keep energy and excitement high.
Each video segment offers step-by-step instructions, tips, and demonstrations by our expert youth cycling coaches. From balancing basics to pedaling like a pro, our course covers all the essential skills your child needs to become a proficient and safe rider.
Want more personalized feedback and support?
Email us to schedule a Coaching Call Session!
Together we will get your child riding a bike by themselves, confidently and competently, without tears and frustration.
So, if you —
1) Have a child who’s between the ages of 4 and 10 who is currently on training wheels (or recently mastered balance bike riding)
2) Want to spend more time with your child and show them a valuable life skill
3) Are committed to getting your child cycling by themselves
— this course is just the thing for you.
If you have any other questions, send them our way!
Coach Scott